HTM for Realtors
Why signup?
As an agent, you are being trusted to sell your listing for as much value as it contains … and more if you can get it. TODAY’s resources for you to distribute and communicate that value to potential buyers so you can maximize the demand, and reach the highest possible value for your client, is only limited by your knowledge of those available resources.
If your listing has a commission that matches, you can afford the effort, drone footage, professional photography, pictures the homeowner has, and maybe even a video tour or story is worth the enormous amount of time it takes to create that. And even then, not all buyers have the same value in mind.
Another industry that has evolved is within the outdoor community. The demand for content has exploded.
They say a picture is worth 1,000 words. So how many words is a video worth?
Enter Hunting the Market.
You want buyers to maximize value. We want content.
We want hunters everywhere to come see what we’ve discovered. And so do you.
If you’re selling a home, some buyers might see it as a home, and others might think of it as an income stream. When you’re selling land, some buyers might see it as a lot for their new dream home, and others might see it as a playground.
Do you care, what they think? Or do you care what their vision of your listing is worth to them?
While you might not even think of your listing as a Hunting Property. While you might not even know anything about hunting, we do. And we know what hunters want. And we want to help YOU make sure they get that vision to help maximize the demand for your seller.
We want to do the work for you to showcase the Content available on your listing that interests the outdoor market specifically. And when you plug your listing into our network, you plug in to the acres and acres of potential buyers who might just see your listing differently, but who might see more value in your listing because they see something we can bring them together.
To open your listings up to a whole new and massive target audience, we want to do all that work for you to bring all of the real value of your listing straight to as many hunters as we can. We provide one source for you to expand your reach to a specific target audience in a way that calls to them specifically.
Our professionals mine properties that fit our parameters for video or scouting opportunities that are uniquely interesting to the hunting enthusiast…who also might happen to be in the market for a property or home you’re selling.
As an Agent:
- You can allow your property to be featured on our website and social media accounts. This exposes your property to potential buyers or renters that might not have otherwise considered your property as valuable to their desires/needs, and have discovered us as a trusted source for the experience THEY are looking for.
- Our pro staff will film, take photos or give information that might be particularly of interest to the hunting enthusiast. If our pro staff deems that you have a really unique opportunity, they may take game on your property for filming or photographs. If they do, they will do so in full compliance with the law, responsibly, ethically, and with the interest of highlighting the benefits of your property in mind.
- We abide by Federal, State, and Local laws
- We retain all liability for our activity on your land or listing
- We do not hunt properties under 5 acres, but we will film them
- If we hunt game, we are archery-ONLY no matter where you are located
- We will process game for you for a small fee if you choose or we will donate to a local charity that accepts wild game on your behalf if you choose
- We DO NOT CHARGE the homeowner or real estate agent for our service unless we are absolutely responsible for introducing them to the purchase and you agree that we did so before the sale occurs

Frequently Asked Questions
Libero Vitae Lectus Ullamcorper ?
Quisque purus metus, hendrerit consequat posuere id, vulputate vel dolor. In ut libero vitae lectus ullamcorper semper vitae quis dui. Nullam condimentum nunc nibh.
Quisque Elementum Viverra Elit ?
Aliquam Sed Neque Massa ?
Commodo Fermentum Arcu Venenatis ?
Get Started Today
Pellentesque fermentum faucibus venenatis. Proin porttitor sem eget varius mollis. Sed vel convallis dui. Proin hendrerit neque suscipit neque iaculis, non condimentum risus fringilla. Cras blandit urna sit amet mi lobortis, id vo